Surround Yourself with these 5 Types of People


If you do not surround yourself with inspiring people, you will never be inspired.

If you do not know anyone who is passionate about anything they do, you will never understand the fire.

If you never get to know motivated people, you will not know how to motivate yourself.

Grateful people will teach you the value of life.

Open-minded people will give you the gift of seeing for the first time.

Rules of Life


My brothers get so upset when I ask questions or eaves drop on a conversation and join in. I have never understood why this embarrasses them.

The thing is, that’s how I learn and how I network. Networking is an important skill to have in order to move forward in this life.

Because of the three simple rules on this meme, I am going after what I want in my life. I am surrounding myself with people who can get me there.

Try it sometime.

Drinking Wine and Getting Paid

As you may know, I’ve spent the last four years of my life driving an 18-wheeler. I recently came off the road to focus on more important things like my health, my love life, and drinking more wine.

Going to drive truck is an excellent way to reduce living expenses because you can live on the truck, therefore you have no rent or utilities to pay. Eating out can really cost you, but I managed to keep my restaurants and groceries under $500 every month (my largest expense). I put all my household items in a storage ($90/mo) and I had a cell phone ($150/mo.) Low maintenance.

I was able to pay off some debt living this way and was just getting where I could start saving money. But man, while the time I had on the road was interesting and at times, a lot of fun, it’ll wear ya plumb smooth out. I got really tired of eating at the same fast food restaurant, dealing with every man in the trucking world hitting on me, having to walk a mile to get a shower, and never being home. trust me, I became very distant with my friends and family and my social life was zero.

I had started a side hustle last year to keep me busy during my home time (four days out of the month). And now I guess I’m kind of doing it full time. I really wish I could get the ball rolling and really get it going. My goal is to recruit two people by October so I can promote.

If you love drinking wine and getting paid for it and maybe you’d like to earn a few hundred extra every month before Christmas, holler at me:

PS, Did I mention you get a pretty cool discount on all the wine whether you’re selling or not!?! Yeah… this is my dream job!

Help a Broke Bitch out

Hey guys! I just joined the ranks of Patreon. If you are enjoying the blog and would like to contribute to my time and effort in creating it, help a Broke Bitch out! You can donate as little as $1. Once I reach $500, I will be designing a logo and mailing out decals to those who have helped me reach a goal!

Help me out here:

Love you guys and want to keep creating cool shit for you!

What DoYou Want to be When You Grow Up?

One day, I asked a full-grown adult what he wanted to be when he grew up. He laughed and said, “I don’t guess anyone has ever asked me that question.”

“Really? Not even your teachers back in grade school?”

“Nope.” He said contemplating.

I was shocked. I was always being asked what I wanted to be when I grew up.  Naturally, my answer would changed over the years as I was an overly-ambitious little shit.

“Did someone tell you what you were going to do when you grew up?” I asked.

“Well, my dad said I would take over the family business. Guess he didn’t care what I wanted to do.”

I hate people telling me what to do. If I want to go drive a big truck, I’m going to go drive a big truck, and if I want to go save endangered species in the Amazon, by George, you know what I’m going to do…

If my dad ever had told me I was going to take over the farm, I would have told him tough cookies, I’m going to be a writer. But I guess he saved that one for my younger brother, who did take it over, but then again, that’s what he knew and loved to do even when he was a tot, so it was a natural fit for him.

I began asking all sorts of people if they were ever asked what they wanted to be when they grew up. A shocking number of them said, “No, no one has ever asked me that.” I can’t imagine growing up having no dreams or aspirations.

Most of these people were told by their parents what they were going to do, and those with less involved parents said they just kind of stumbled into whatever job they had. Either way, I see this as losing who they could have been.

So, my question is: Have you ever been asked what you wanted to be when you grew up? What did you want to do and are you doing it now? How would things be different if you had/had not ever been asked?

Get That Banana



I remember taking a sociology class back in college. In that class, the professor had mentioned a study ( I don’t recall what it was called or who did it) about monkeys put in a cage with a banana just out of reach, to see how hard the monkeys would try to get the banana.

One monkey was put in the cage at first. After a few attempts, he gave up. A second monkey was introduced and tried to get the banana, but his counterpart would try to pull him down; he had already tried to get the snack and failed, so instantly he knew this new monkey wouldn’t reach it if he hadn’t. Additional monkeys were introduced and the same reaction was repeated. No monkeys got the banana because they gave up after being told by the other monkeys they couldn’t get the banana.

What does this tell us about society? That everyone is an asshole, and if  you want the banana, get the damn banana. Don’t let people convince you that you aren’t worth the banana.

Harness the Power

I’m sharing parts of this book with you because it’s too good not to! In this post, I’m referring to bullet point 2 in the picture of The Power: Several years ago, I greeted an older man with “how are you today?” His response was, “feeling blessed and highly received.” He said it with such enthusiasm and gusto you couldn’t  help but wonder what made this man so vivacious about his life.
I’d see him around town with a smile on his face, always talking to people; and their response to him was magnificent. They’d leave his presence with a smile in their face and a warm glow around them. His enthusiasm was contagious; he never complained. He turned negatives into positives. Amazing miracle worker is what he was.
I’ve never been able to say that I have ever felt blessed or highly received, but this book is making me see that I am — that despite all the shittiness I’ve been through, I don’t have to keep attracting it.
I encourage each of you to read The Power–(Especially if you’re a Negative Nancy like me!) lol
This book is so good I’m soaking it up and taking notes!!!